MetroLink Tulsa maintains a lost and found service for the convenience of its patrons. If you find something that has been left, give it to your operator. If you lose something on a bus, please call 918-982-6882 Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
• MetroLink Tulsa is not responsible for lost or stolen items, however, we do the best we can to ensure customers do get items left behind on any service back to the customer.
• MetroLink Tulsa, MicroLink and LinkAssist lost and found items will be processed and/or discarded from Denver Avenue Station.
• MetroLink Tulsa has the right to dispose of any items that are deemed a health hazard.
• Items lost on Friday, Saturday, and/or Sunday will not be available for customer service to find until Monday afternoon.
• Found items will not be transported to Denver Avenue Station until after 2 p.m. the following business day.
• If an item is lost on a day that falls on an observed holiday, then the items will not be delivered until the next business day.
• Customers who are searching for an item may call our Customer Service line at 918-982-6882 before heading to station to ensure their item(s) is at the station.
• All perishable food items and soiled items that are emanating an odor will be disposed of immediately.
• Personal documents such as ID/Credit/Social Security cards, Driver’s Licenses, etc. will be shredded after the 7 day waiting period. MTTA does its best to send driver licenses back to the address on the ID.
• Items of no apparent value or use will be discard
• Items in good condition will be donated to a charitable organization.
• All items are held for seven (7) consecutive days from the date they are found by the transit provider.
Items held for 7 days
- Purses and wallets
- Cell phones